
WOLFcon 2024

September 24 – 26, 2024
Senate House, University of London

WOLFcon 2024 brings together members of the Open Library Foundation’s project member communities as well as users of their products. Participants will attend presentations, community sharing conversations, workshops, and conduct business meetings.

The Open Library Foundation was created in 2016 as an unbiased, independent not-for-profit organization to ensure the availability, accessibility and sustainability of open source and open access projects for and by libraries. The Foundation seeks to enable and support collaboration among librarians, technologists, designers, service providers and vendors to share expertise and resources and to create innovative new software and resources that support libraries.

WOLFcon, the foundation’s annual conference, is open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Foundation and the open source communities that are a part of it. In addition to working meetings, there will be general sessions at the conference that will focus on high level information about the communities and on topics related to open source software in general.

  • Our Sponsors

    • EBSCO
    • FOLIO | BVB, hbz, GBV, hebis and BSZ
    • @Cult
    • ARLEF
    • ExLibris Part of Clarivate